The cycles are a special feature of the transportation in Hoi An, so don’t miss that out! They are almost like motorbikes, if not exactly so. It’s quite safe to try out the “cyc-lo” ride in Hoi An because the road is in a much better condition than in the other cities of Vietnam. Transportation in Hoi An also includes traveling by boat. Boat travel is considered very suitable for the tourists.
Another very popular mode of transportation in Hoi An is hiring cycles from your hotel or travel agency. The charge is not much, its only 1 USD to 1.25 USD per day. But in case you like walking, not to worry, the town of Hoi An is so compact that it’s not at all a big deal to go around town by foot.

In case you are planning to travel to the suburbs of the city or to places outside Hoi An then there is a requirement for the rental cars. The best way to use this service is contact any travel agent. You can access to get the list of travel agents in Hoi An. Or you can book direct with local transportation suppliers via site: This site is a bridge connecting local suppliers and travellers. A thing you should know is Shared Airport Transfer Service, which is an economical way to get between the airport and the Hoi An city. You will travel in a minivan with other passengers arriving around the same time as yourself and travelling to the same destination. Price starts from $4 to 16$. If there are nobody shares with you at that time, the highest price you will pay is 16$ (like private airport transfer). This is instant confirmation and you can use your PayPal account to make a payment.
Rental cars without driver are an option for getting around Hoi An, but there is a catch. In order to drive in Vietnam, foreigners must hold a temporary Vietnamese driving license. International driving permits and U.S. drivers’ licenses are not valid in Vietnam. You should hire a car with driver because traffic in Vietnam is chaotic.
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Add: 2/6 Le Loi St, Hoi An
Tel: (+84-510) 2 222 773
Hotline 0979 58 77 44
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