So many tourist at the first time wonder why motorcycles are popular in Vietnam. Come on! Not as serious as you thought. I have to say that the traffics sometimes not as good as in Western country, though, Vietnam is a developing nation and it can solve the problem despite of its poor conditions. Let’s have a positive look at Vietnam traffic to enjoy Vietnam better.
1. Flexible and Economical
About 95 percent of registered vehicles are motorbikes or scooters, not many cars, which is suitable to Vietnam situation with many narrow streets. With motorbikes or scooters, it is much easier for riders to go into tinyalleys which exit a lot in Vietnam. You can go everywhere with your motorbike and have no need to park your car far away wasting time to walk to your target.
Motorbikes are used to carry everything – you can see comical/scary loads that elsewhere would require a van to transport safely. Sometimes, you can see a whole family of four crammed onto a single motorbike. It is a good way to save time and money instead of that you have to rent a van to transport things, or go back to carry more things/people or need to buy a car for the whole family.

Using motorbike is also a good way to save space, because there is no space to park hundreds of thousands of new cars. Moreover, the government applied a high tax on the car and only the rich citizens can afford one. The tax is about 200 percent of the price of the car. Hence, it is more economical when you own a motorbike than a car. That is the first explaination why motorcycles are popular in Vietnam
The traffic in Vietnam has been improved and become much better day by day.Infrastructure has been upgraded a lot; street signals and traffic lightshave been added more and more on the streets

Helmet law was introduced in 2007 for everyone to be conducted. Gradually, realizing the useful of helmet, everyone where it naturally without any enforcement. Government also give the law on speed and drinking to minimize the accidents. Traffic jam in Vietnam only frequently takes place in big city like Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh city, not everywhere. Don’t worry!
Let follow Anthony and Elise for their Vietnam adventure by motorbikes. They travel from North to South of Vietnam

3. Diverse
Walking on the streets, you can see it is just look like a rock ballad concert with various means of transport such as motorbikes, bicycles, taxis, pedicabs and pedestrians moving along the streets. So keep calm and enjoy Vietnam.
These are some tips to help you enjoy the traffic in Vietnam:
-Having faith on your riders/drivers skill
– Waiting for a local person and becoming his shadow when you want to cross the street.
-Keep your wits about you and move slowly but surely. Do not hesitate. Being on scooters, most riders are able to predict your movements accurately and avoid you safely, but not if you stop and start unsurely – and whimpering in fear will do you no favor at all.
– Don’t fear the horns. In Vietnam, when somebody use the horn, it is just a way to say “Hey buddy, I’m here too” or “Watch out!”
Those reasons are the answers for our query – Why motorcycles are popular in Vietnam.
Watch this video below to know the safe way to across the streets in Vietnam
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