Hoi An, popularly identified as Faifo, it is a picturesque town set along the coasts of the East Sea. The place is known as a shopping paradise that attracts you towards its wonderful souvenirs, craft handiworks, antique pieces, silk materials and art paintings etc. The useful information about Hoi An provide you all information related to facilities provided by the city and various other facts about the city.
Vietnam entry requirements
You should arrange a visa before entering Vietnam, and ensure there is at least six months remaining on your passport. Make sure you keep hold of the yellow portion of your immigration card which you receive on arrival, as you will need this to leave the country.
What to brings
As little as possible, as pretty much of anything you can find back at home will be easy to find it here with a very cheaper price as clothes and toiletteries can be purchased here if needed making your bag lighter and easier to carry and travel.
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When to go
In Hoi An there are two main season here: rainy season and sunny season, rainy season start from October till the mid January next year, but in middle of October to November may find the center of town get surround by flood, so if you mind about this try to avoid it as possible, the rest of the time always good to go.
What you should know
Every month on the lunar calendar which is the same as the full moon, the citizens show respect and honor to their ancestors, Hoi An becomes one big center stage where all the locals come out and participate in reviving the golden days of prosperity and folklore cultural activities. In the old quarter, only pedestrians are allowed, in fact you cannot even peddle or push your bicycle through the town until 10 pm. Check our calendar to note the date of this monthly event.
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